Sapphire Infusion Pump
Changing How Infusion Pumps Function
Infusion Pumps Need to Change
Infusion pumps are necessary for medical care in all settings, from routine care to emergencies. Many pumps, however, only work for certain types of infusion. Cost is also a critical factor. Having to buy multiple pumps to deliver standard care just isn’t sustainable.
Sapphire MT infusion pumps deliver the therapies you need without the inconveniences of traditional options. Each unit is a precision machine designed to help you deliver higher-quality care faster. Discover the most advanced infusion pump technology right now in your clinic!

Sapphire™ Multi-Therapy

Sapphire™ Epidural
Multi Therapy
Touch-screen Controlled
High Accuracy
Battery Life
Up to 24 hours
Light Weight
Only 418 g
Time to End
Notification alerts the patient as well as medical personnel.